Cat Studies
Low dose meloxicam is safe and tolerable when combined with toceranib phosphate in cancer-bearing cats
Complications and outcomes associated with epicardial pacemakers in cats
Rabbit Studies
Rabbit Liver Lobectomy approaches
Paracostal versus ventral midline approach for caudate liver lobectomy in the rabbit
Dog Studies
There are chemicals in the environment that make it more likely pet dogs will get cancer of the urinary tract
Effect of withholding food on serum concentrations of cobalamin, folate, trypsin-like immunoreactivity, and pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity in healthy dogs
Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and mortality in dogs with blastomycosis
Use of radiographic measurements to diagnose stage B2 preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs
Effect of sildenafil and pimobendan on intracardiac heartworm infections in four dogs
Prevalence and diagnostic characteristics of non-clinical mitral regurgitation murmurs in North American Whippets
Cor triatriatum dexter in 17 dogs
Evaluation of Serum Ferritin as a Tumor Marker for Canine Histiocytic Sarcoma
Special Species Studies
Measuring heart size in chinchillas
Vertebral heart size in chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) using radiography and CT