Neurology is the branch of medicine dealing with the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Common disorders seen by neurologists include seizures, brain tumors, meningitis, inflamed nerves, herniated discs, age related cognitive dysfunction, and congenital problems. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and electrodiagnostic testing are common diagnostic tools. Our Neurology service has many studies involving these and other disorders as well as new treatment options, so please check back often to see if your pet may qualify to enroll in one of our studies.
Dogs with MUE (meningoencephalitis of Unknown Etiology) of the Brain
This study is to evaluate cyclosporine vs leflunomide (plus prednisone) as treatments for MUE. Dog will be enrolled after their diagnosis is confirmed. The study will pay for the medication up the the first recheck at 6 weeks and the recheck CSF tap and anesthesia at 6 weeks. Owners will be responsible for the remainder of the costs.
If interested, please contact UW Neurology at 608-263-7600 or
Feline Cognitive Dysfunction + Biomarkers - Post-Mortem
Feline Cog Dysfunction Post-Mortem Flyer
Feline CDF Post-Mortem Consent
The goal of our research is to understand the brain and cognitive changes that occur in our ever-growing geriatric and aging cat population. By studying these changes, we are hoping to be able to optimize diagnostic and treatment options available for cats with signs consistent with feline cognitive dysfunction. There is NO COST to participate in this study.
We are looking for any cat over 12 years of age that is being euthanized for any reason. They will need to come to UW Veterinary Care for euthanasia. If you agree to have your cat participate in this study, then before euthanasia, a neurologic exam, ophthalmic exam, non-invasive blood pressure, bloodwork (under sedation), and a questionnaire regarding your cat's behavior will be performed. However, if your cat becomes stressed or anxious during any of that testing, that portion of the study will not be completed. After euthanasia, samples of brain tissue will be collected. Private or communal cremation may be elected after the necropsy.
For more information regarding this study, please contact Amy Elbe, CVT, LAT at 608-890-3484.