The veterinary specialists of UW Veterinary Care are dedicated to giving you access to the therapies that will keep your pet happy and healthy. Acupuncture is the insertion and manipulation of very thin, sterile needles into the skin and underlying tissues to produce positive local and systemic health effects. Animals of all species and sizes may benefit from acupuncture for the treatment of pain and other medical conditions, such as:
- Osteoarthritis, tendon or ligament problems
- Inflammation and pain after surgery
- Neurologic conditions including weakness, paralysis, urinary or fecal incontinence
- Medical conditions including feline lower urinary tract disease, kidney disease, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, self-licking and
dry eye - Cancer side effects, including nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and pain associated with tumors or radiation
Acupuncture is available by appointment or as an inpatient service. Our expert team of certified veterinary acupuncturists will guide you through a treatment plan, based on your pet’s unique condition and treatment goals.
UWVC Acupuncture Team
- Calico Schmitt, DVM
- Lindsey Snyder, DVM, MS, DACVA, CVA
Regular clinic hours are Monday through Friday, and our scheduling staff will assist you in finding an appointment with the right veterinary specialist based on your animal's needs at a time that works for you. Our emergency services for all species are also available if your animal has a serious problem that requires immediate medical attention.